A trip to Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai-February 2015

A study Tour to
 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai.
An Excursion Tour to visit TIFR (Mumbai) was organized by the department on 13th Feb 2015.The team of around 33 students of S.Y/T.Y.B.Sc (Mathematics) and three staff members visited the place.A lecture by renowned mathematician Dr. Ravi Rao was delivered on the topic "Maths is behind the scene". His ideas set a great impact on every student. They also visited to Nehru Planetarium where they simulated night sky with various planets , stars, phases of moon, circumpolar sky on poles and many more features and concepts of basic astronomy. They gain beautiful knowledge and enjoyed the tour. overall the tour was fruitful. It has generated interest among  them about the wonders of science and created awareness about the various applications of Mathematics in science and daily life. 

Students at Nehru planetarium.(Feb 2015)

Visit to T.I.F.R. (Feb 2015)


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