Guest Lecture on "A New Proof of Morley's Theorem"-January 2015

Guest Lecture
"A New Proof of Morley's Theorem"
       A guest lecture was organised by Department of Mathematics on 29th January 2015. Dr. Ganesh Kadu (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, SPPU, Pune) delivered a beautiful lecture on the topic " A new proof of Morley's Theorem". Around 94 students of F.Y/S.Y/T.Y.B.Sc.participated.The lecture was quite knowledgeable.It motivated the students for higher studies and research in Mathematics.The program was concluded with vote of thanks.

Mrs. Atiya Khan(H.O.D) introducing Dr. Ganesh Kadu

Dr. Ganesh Kadu delivering a lecture on Morley's Theorem  



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